Other Programs

SHARE the Health Boxes
This program supports the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained and Employed) population, our neighbors who are moving toward stability but whose income exceeds the limit for traditional social services.
Project SHARE partners with local non-profits that support the ALICE population by providing their clients with SHARE the Health Boxes. Boxes include two to three healthy recipes with all the ingredients.
If you are a non-profit interested in partnering with Project SHARE to provide this program to your clients, contact Project SHARE’s Nutrition Coordinator below.
Re-Entry Bags
Project SHARE Re-Entry Bags are pre-packed food bundles of shelf stable food, containing enough for three days. These bags are provided to homeless veterans, those in substance abuse rehabilitation and individuals re-entering society after incarceration. Project SHARE provides bags to Cumberland County Re-Entry Coordination staff to distribute as they determine necessary.
View most-needed items
Pouch chicken and tuna, microwavable pasta, microwavable meals, small breakfast items (i.e. instant oatmeal, small cereals), fruit cups and applesauce
If you are an organization interested in providing for this program, contact Project SHARE’s Client Services Coordinator below.

Weekend Nutrition Power Packs
Project SHARE coordinates with Carlisle Area and South Middleton school district counselors to distribute weekend nutrition power packs of food for students receiving free and reduced priced meals. Children receive a pack of food that is nutritious, easy-open and child-friendly each Friday before heading into the weekend.