Summer Feeding 4 Kids
Summer Feeding 4 Kids is a 10 week program that provides a week’s worth of healthy, nutritious breakfasts and lunches to children.

What We Offer
Summer Feeding 4 Kids runs from June to August and takes over where school-year programs end, providing seven days of breakfasts and lunches in a convenient weekly drive-through format.
Summer Feeding 4 Kids serves families who live within the Carlisle Area, Big Spring and South Middleton school districts with children in Pre-K through 12th grade.
How It Works
Families can pick up bundled packages of seven breakfasts and seven lunches each week at one of three locations. Popular favorites include milk, fresh fruit, DIY meal kits (like chicken quesadillas and grilled cheeses), frozen pizzas and fresh vegetables. On select weeks, in addition to food distribution, children will receive new books.
As many as 60 volunteers each week help to make this program happen by preparing, bagging and distributing meals.
Make An Appointment
Click the button below to schedule your appointment for Summer Feeding 4 Kids.